The fastest way to find the right Venture Captalist contacts
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If you pay $50 you get 50 point. Each contact cost 5 points of $5 and you will gain 5 points if you add a VC contact and admin approves Give 1, get 1 contact free
Add 1 VC contact.
Give 1, get 1
- Admin validates the contact and awards 5 points
- Now you can get 1 VC contact from
50 contacts
For $250*
- Sign up for $250
- Guranteed 50 VC contact of your choice to your dashboard
100 contacts
For $500*
- Sign up for $500
- Guranteed 100 VC contact of your choice to your dashboard
300 contacts
For $1,500*
- Sign up for $1500
- Guranteed 300 VC contact of your choice to your dashboard
How it Works
Join to reach the right decision maker fast. Get access to contact information for millions of venture capatalist and never waste time hunting down the wrong person again!
- Full contact info with title, direct phone, and email
- Every level: staff to C-suite
- Give 1, get 1 contact free
- Millions of VC company profiles